Doç. Dr. Ziya Kalem
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Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist


Dr. Aygun graduated from Kayseri Science High School in 1989 and, from Hacettepe University Medical School (English group) in 1996. As medical doctor she started residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical School. She completed residency programme in 2001 and became Ob & Gyn specialist. She continued her education in Assisted Reproductive Treatments and had IVF specialist certificate in 2005. Dr Aygun worked in Istanbul Memorial Hospital IVF and Genetics Unit, Bahceci IVF Center and founded IVF Unit in Firat University Medical School and Istanbul Medipol University Medical School. She achieved professor degree in 2017. Dr Aygun has 45 international scientific papers, 35 national papers, 41 international congress presentations, 70 national congress presentations, 13 book chapters and above 200 citations to her articles in international papers. She had been invited as a speaker in many congresses. Dr. Aygun is a reviewer in numerous international/national scientific journals and member of many international/national scientific societies. Dr. Aygun is interested in infertility treatments, in-vitro fertilization, endometriosis, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic reproductive surgery, gynecologic endoscopic surgery for ovarian cysts, endometriosis, uterine fibroids and tubal pathologies. Dr. Aygun is married and has two children.

For detailed information about women's health and IVF treatments, please fill out the contact form. We will contact you as soon as possible by our expert assistants in the field. Thank you for contacting us.

    Never lose hope! Check out our services for detailed information on infertility, infertility, in vitro fertilization!
    IVF Treatment Stages

    There are many couples around the world who cannot conceive naturally. But that doesn't mean they will never ever have their own child. In this regard, when a couple applies we determine the causes after an initial consultation. The first interview is very important as medical history can give clues regarding the cause of infertility. There can be many reasons why couples fail to conceive, and the cause of each is unique. In our clinic, we will help you determine the reasons in your case and recommend a suitable method of treatment individually. We recommend a visit to our clinic to couples who fail to conceive after one year of regular, unprotected intercourse. We will examine you carefully before IVF treatment to determine the cause of infertility. Sometimes we can treat the cause of the problem without the need for IVF.

    The causes of infertility can occur in both MEN and WOMEN. We conduct various tests based on the initial consultation.  

    Before starting FEMALE TESTS, woman medical history is very important and should include serious illnesses, allergies, surgeries, current medication and other information about the course and length of the menstrual cycle. Woman medical history may reveal the cause of infertility. It is only then that we can recommend the appropriate tests and examinations. We then continue with female tests such as blood hormonal tests, transvaginal ultrasound, examination of fallopian tube patency with HSG (hysterosalpingography) and in case of need, hysteroscopy. In women evaluation, negative factors affecting infertility include lifestyle and increasing age. The most serious problems regarding lifestyle are being overweight, smoking, lack of exercise or too much stress. The chances of getting pregnant decrease with age. 

    Woman AGE is crucial for a woman’s fertility. A woman starts to be less fertile after the age of 30 and fertility decreases very quickly from the age of 35. The main reason is the declining number and quality of eggs, but also other health problems affecting infertility. This cannot be solved and trying repeatedly with patience is recommended. An official age limit is not existing all over the world for IVF acceptance. Some clinics do IVF in woman up to the age of 49. However, success rate decreases after 43 to about 5% and usually not recommended after age 45. 

    Another prevalent problem in infertile women is POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME (PCOS). This is caused by an imbalance in male and female hormones in the woman's body, whereby a woman's body produces more of the male hormone testosterone than usual. Due to this imbalance, the ovaries do not form mature follicles regularly, and this can block the release of eggs (ovulation). Therefore anovulation, that is, ovulatory problem occurs. A typical sonographic manifestation of this syndrome is the accumulation of follicles in the form of small cysts in the ovarian cortex. PCOS is often associated with obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes

    One other cause of infertility in women is ENDOMETRIOSIS. Endometriosis is one of the most common gynaecological diseases in women of reproductive age, experienced by up to 10% of women. This is usually a painful disease in which the cells of the endometrium are located outside the uterus. During menstruation, these cells also bleed, causing inflammation. Symptoms of the disease include more painful menstruation, pain during sexual intercourse, pain in the lower abdomen, pain or blood during urination or defecation. Endometriosis is a very common cause of female infertility. 

    There can be a number of reasons why MEN fail to conceive. In men, the cause of infertility may be low sperm motility or a low sperm count. A semen analysis will reveal the possible causes of infertility so that we can recommend further appropriate tests and examinations. Before any examination, medical history is very important so that we can recommend the right tests and treatment. We will ask you about any serious illnesses, allergies, surgeries, current medication, injuries or testicular pain. Your medical history may reveal the cause of your infertility. Semen analysis (spermiogram) is a basic means of measuring the level of male fertility. It mainly determines the number of sperm in the ejaculate, their shape and motility. A semen analysis is the easiest test to perform if you are trying to conceive with your partner and you have not been successful so far; it can quickly show the right course to take in case of further treatment. For example, hormonal imbalances or infections that may prevent conception can be treated based on the results. In case of a normal semen analysis, infertility can be ruled out on the man’s side and further examinations can focus on the woman.

    A semen analysis with the following parameters is considered normal:

    • The total volume of ejaculate is not less than 1.5 ml.
    • The number of sperm in 1 ml of fluid is at least 15 million.
    • The ejaculate contains at least 40% motile sperm.
    • At least 4% of sperm have a normal shape without deformities.

    In some couples, woman and man tests may be all normal and still the couple cannot conceive. This group is named as unexplained infertility group and is 10% of the infertile population. In this group pregnancy rate is quite high with IVF; around 60-80%.  


    IVF involves joining a woman’s egg and man’s sperm under laboratory conditions (in vitro). IVF starts on the second or third day of a period.  

    THE FIRST STEP OF IVF IS THE STIMULATION OF OVARIES. The goal is to stimulate the growth of follicles from which the eggs are subsequently retrieved. This step lasts about 10-12 days, includes daily subcutaneous injections of drugs and ultrasound monitoring of ovaries. When the follicles are grown adequately, trigger injection with HCG is done and two days later follicles are punctured and eggs are retrieved which is named as oocyte pick-up (OPU).   

    THE SECOND STEP OF IVF IS OOCYTE PICK-UP (OPU) AND FERTILISATION OF COLLECTED OOCYTES WITH SELECTED SPERM WITH ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)a method that significantly increases the chance of fertilisation. In OPU procedure, eggs are retrieved under monitored, short anaesthesia, via transvaginal route which usually lasts no more than thirty minutes. After a maximum of one hour's rest in the recovery room, you can leave the clinic. Please, make sure you have someone to accompany you, as you cannot drive a car following general anaesthesia. On the same day of OPU before the procedure, the patient’s partner provides his ejaculate in the sampling room at the clinic. Mature eggs are fertilised with the partner’s best quality selected sperms, usually by micro-injection (ICSI) directly into the egg. ICSI involves the injection under a specialized microscope of one selected sperm directly into the one mature egg. Using ICSI, we are able to minimise interruption of the cycle because eggs are not fertilised using the “classic or conventional IVF” method, where the egg is fertilised with sperm in a culture dish spontaneously. The selection of best quality sperm is vital for better embryo development. We use various sperm selection tools such as PICSI, Sperm Chip. Sperm selection process has a positive effect on the later formation of the blastocyst. It was found that sperm affects embryogenesis in two phases. In the first early phase, poor sperm selection can affect fertilisation, the fusion of germ cells (i.e. the egg and sperm). In the second phase, sperm also affects the genetic material of the embryo. If the genetic material in the sperm is damaged and subject to fragmentation, this can lead to a reduction in the number of cultured blastocysts, a reduced level of implantation, or to miscarriage. Hence embryos formed with selected sperms show fewer chromosomal abnormalities. In the absence of live sperm in the ejaculate, there is the possibility of obtaining sperm surgically from the epididymis (PESA or MESA) or testis (microTESE). Micro TESE operation (testicular sperm extraction) attempts to obtain sperm directly from the testicular germinal epithelium. Tissue samples are taken from small incisions in the outer testicular layer and referred to the embryology laboratory. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under short general anaesthesia. The advantage of our clinic is that the procedure can be scheduled for the same day as egg retrieval from the female partner. The fresh sperm retrieved are immediately used for egg fertilisation using the ICSI method. Unused tissue is cryopreserved to avoid the need to repeat the procedure. The joint team of a gynaecologist and urologist at the clinic is a prerequisite for both excellent cooperation and a high success rate of treatment. The following day after ICSI, it is checked whether the embryos are formed. If the embryos are formed, further three to five days embryo culture is done. This means embryos when formed after ICSI are followed in the laboratory in specialised incubators. In this step the best embryo is tried to be found to transfer to the uterus (womb). The purpose of the complex process of assessing embryo quality is to determine the optimal time for embryo transfer to ensure the highest chance of pregnancy. 

    THE THIRD AND THE LAST STEP OF IVF IS EMBRYO TRANSFER, the transfer of the embryo into the endometrial cavity which is performed without anaesthesia using a thin flexible catheter, the end of which is guided by ultrasound for precise placement of the embryo. İt takes about ten minutes and just 40-60 minutes rest is enough following transfer procedure. Successful IVF culminates with a positive pregnancy blood test on the 9-12th day after embryo transfer. Avoid strenuous physical activity, sexual intercourse and hot baths. You can go back to your normal routine after three days, but we still recommend avoiding strenuous physical activity. You will be informed about the medications and instructions in detail in your discharge report.

    All in all the duration of the whole IVF process usually takes three weeks starting on the second or third day of period.



    It depends on many factors mainly woman age. Our clinic has a success rate of up to 80%. In woman below 35 years it is about 60-80%, between 35-40 years it is about 40-60% and after 40 years over it drops to 5-20%. 



    A blood pregnancy test will not be conclusive earlier than the 9th day after embryo transfer. If the test is negative, we recommend repeating the test on the 11th to 12th day after embryo transfer. If the pregnancy test in blood is POSITIVE 9-12 days after embryo transfer, continue with the prescribed medication until the 12th week of your pregnancy. Contact us and we will arrange an ultrasound at the clinic, which should take place approximately 7-10 days after your confirmed pregnancy test. Standard prenatal screening takes place, together with a check-up at your gynaecologist´s. After a positive test, booking an ultrasound to rule out an ectopic pregnancy is of utmost importance.

    What if the pregnancy test is NEGATIVE? Don't despair; you don't always get pregnant the first time. If the pregnancy test is repeatedly negative, stop taking all medication and contact us after your menstrual cycle to prepare for the transfer of your frozen embryos, or to discuss the next steps.

    IVF is not always successful on the first try. Or even on the second. This is a relatively common occurrence, so don’t lose hope. We will advise you how to increase your chances of a successful pregnancy and will be by your side throughout the treatment, until your pregnancy is confirmed. In frozen embryo transfer (FET), embryos retrieved in previous IVF cycles and safely stored in a frozen state are transferred to the uterus. Thanks to FET, we can significantly reduce the cost of IVF treatment. Because with good quality surplus embryos frozen in the previous failed cycle, a pregnancy rate of 80% can be achieved. However, before FET, meticulous endometrial cavity evaluation is mandatory mainly with hysteroscopy. It’s important to consult your doctor on what you should do next following failed IVF cycle. If your attempt is unsuccessful, you need to stop taking the prescribed medication and contact us during your next menstrual cycle to schedule another attempt or if present FET. Following a failed cycle we usually advise hysteroscopy and genetic evaluation of the couple before proceeding with a new attempt or FET with cryopreserved embryos.   



    For many infertile couples, we will be able to culture more high-quality embryos than will be needed in the given cycle. We recommend freezing those embryos that are not used right away. Reproductive cells or embryos can be stored this way for many years. Up to 95% of embryos can be used after thawing. 

    Embryo cryopreservation is suitable and advantageous in following cases; 

    • ·        If the first IVF cycle is not successful, you will quickly have embryos at hand for another attempt
    • ·        If you are planning another child in a few years and don’t want to undergo the process of egg retrieval again
    • ·        If you are planning another child, but one of the partners is scheduled for chemotherapy or radiotherapy and there’s a risk of becoming infertile



    It is possible to detect genetic problems of the embryos before transferring into the uterus. By determining the genetic makeup of embryos, we can detect problems in time. We then only transfer embryos that have a greater chance of producing a healthy baby to the uterus. Genetic abnormalities are a common cause of early miscarriages in the first trimester of pregnancy. Preimplantation testing helps prevent those losses. Technically, we wait for 120 hours after fertilisation, when the embryo has a greater number of cells. We carefully separate one or more cells and analyse them. The analysis is carried out using various methods – FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridisation) aCGH (microarray-based comparative genomic hybridisation), PCR (polymerase chain reaction). The embryo is not damaged by this intervention and is frozen using vitrification. Once PGT results are available, it can be used for transfer. We will recommend the best normal embryo(s) for transfer to the uterus after evaluating the results. 

    PGT is recommended in following cases;

    • In case of repeated miscarriages
    • If the mother is over 39 years of age 
    • If chromosomal abnormalities are found in either of the partners
    • If the couple has repeatedly undergone unsuccessful embryo transfers in IVF cycles (more than 2-3 embryo transfer of blastocyt stage with negative result)
    • Following treatment of oncological diseases associated with radiation or chemotherapy, etc. 

    PGT has a very positive effect on the success of embryo implantation in a woman's uterus. PGT also significantly reduces the frequency of miscarriages, especially in women over the age of 40.

    How IVF Is Done
    We Use Our Experience To Craft Yours
    • Treatment Preparation
    • Stimulation & Growth Monitoring
    • Trigger Shot
    • Retrieval & Collection
    • Laboratory
    • Transfer
    • Implantation & Pregnancy Support
    • Pregnancy Test
    Treatment Preparation
    Stimulation & Growth Monitoring
    Trigger Shot
    Retrieval & Collection
    Implantation & Pregnancy Support
    Pregnancy Test
    Frequently Asked Questions About IVF
    Under valid legislation, it is only possible to determine the gender of a child if one of the parents is the carrier of a serious genetic disorder that is linked to one sex. Otherwise, it is not possible just for desire of the couple.
    The number of embryos in one transfer does not significantly affect the success of assisted reproduction. The MAIN DETERMINANT IS EMBRYO QUALITY. The chances of getting pregnant can be increased with repeated transfers. Therefore, we recommend introducing only one embryo at each transfer and freezing the remaining embryos which, in case of failure can be used for repeated embryo transfer. This is best way to avoid multiple pregnancy and its possible complications.
    There is about a 2% risk of ectopic pregnancy with IVF (this is 1% in natural pregnancy). The risk is higher in women with damaged fallopian tubes (e.g. following inflammation). We can detect ectopic pregnancy during an early ultrasound scan.
    Yes, IVF can also be performed without hormonal stimulation. This is called NATURAL CYCLE IVF, in which we only retrieve one egg, which is just maturing in the ovary. The success of the natural cycle is lower, which is due to the use of only one egg.
    This is the first day of your period. If you start bleeding after 18:00, count the next day as the first day.
    The interval between IVF cycles depends on the type of treatment and the intensity of hormonal stimulation. We usually recommend a break of 2 to 3 months. However, in cases with diminished ovarian reserve and/or advanced age which is over 35 years, monitorization every month is important to find the best, suitable month for stimulation.
    The risks associated with IVF are minimal. One of the rare complications of hormonal treatment is hyperstimulation (OHSS), resulting in an enlargement of the ovaries. The main symptom of hyperstimulation is pain in the lower abdomen, with the occasional accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Today's medicine can alleviate symptoms, and hyperstimulation then subsides spontaneously. Pregnancy following IVF is no different from natural pregnancy and presents the same risks (premature labour, miscarriage, etc.).